Special Discount : 25% Off or More at Amazon.com | 50% Off or More at Amazon.com
The Complete System of Okinawa Kenpo
On this exciting DVD you will see Historic Footage of all of the Okinawa Kenpo kata performed by Master Odo himself, one of the world s top weapons masters. Plus a Bonus! Weapons Kumite! This unique DVD also presents the complete History of Okinawa Kenpo. Shigeru Nakamura (1892-1969) founded the style in 1955. Later Grand Master Seikichi Odo (1927-2002) was named Nakamura s successor and the head of the style. This system was known for its development of "Bogu Armor" for full contact sparring. Master Odo also added the weapons system to the Okinawa Kenpo style, which fully developed the system. This rare DVD documents the legacy of the Okinawa Kenpo system and Grand Master Seikichi Odo.
Okinawa to Kenpo: Toitsuzukeru mono (Japanese Edition)
Okinawa kara mita heiwa Kenpo: Umanchu ga shuyaku (Japanese Edition)
Locks and Grappling of Okinawan Kempo
Okinawan Kempo
Choki Motobu was considered by many to be the toughest karate man in Okinawa during the 1930's and1940's his legendary fights with Japanese thugs is recorded in many places in this book he shows you his personal self defence skills.
Karate Jutsu: The Original Teachings of Gichin Funakoshi
Considered the father of modern karate, Funakoshi originally published this book in the 1920s. This edition includes historical photos, his earliest writings and a Foreword by Tsutomu Ohshima. 250 photos.
Posted on 2012-09-24 23:57:53
The Complete System of Okinawa Kenpo
On this exciting DVD you will see Historic Footage of all of the Okinawa Kenpo kata performed by Master Odo himself, one of the world s top weapons masters. Plus a Bonus! Weapons Kumite! This unique DVD also presents the complete History of Okinawa Kenpo. Shigeru Nakamura (1892-1969) founded the style in 1955. Later Grand Master Seikichi Odo (1927-2002) was named Nakamura s successor and the head of the style. This system was known for its development of "Bogu Armor" for full contact sparring. Master Odo also added the weapons system to the Okinawa Kenpo style, which fully developed the system. This rare DVD documents the legacy of the Okinawa Kenpo system and Grand Master Seikichi Odo.
Okinawa to Kenpo: Toitsuzukeru mono (Japanese Edition)
Okinawa kara mita heiwa Kenpo: Umanchu ga shuyaku (Japanese Edition)
Locks and Grappling of Okinawan Kempo
Okinawan Kempo
Choki Motobu was considered by many to be the toughest karate man in Okinawa during the 1930's and1940's his legendary fights with Japanese thugs is recorded in many places in this book he shows you his personal self defence skills.
Karate Jutsu: The Original Teachings of Gichin Funakoshi
Considered the father of modern karate, Funakoshi originally published this book in the 1920s. This edition includes historical photos, his earliest writings and a Foreword by Tsutomu Ohshima. 250 photos.
Posted on 2012-09-24 23:57:53
Okinawa Kenpo Kobudo Bo Katas Volume 1
Special Discount : 25% Off or More at Amazon.com | 50% Off or More at Amazon.com Tags :